We Build Signs FACTORY-DIRECT, WHOLESALE to the public, Including INSTALLATION.
Expert Service
No matter what types of signs you are interested in, our sales team, consisting of 11 highly-trained individuals, is at your beck and call.
Let us meet with you in your office, or at your new signs location, or home, or anywhere.
You will probably have a firm quotation, not a non-binding "estimate" like most competitors provide, for what you want during our meeting; certainly no more than a day later.
Depending on the type of sign you are considering, there are dozens of questions you may need answered to ensure that you are getting the right sign for your business. We are sign specialists, let us help.
Our sales team will bring you a COMPLIMENTARY PROFESSIONAL MARKET SURVEY of your new signage locations.
"The successful businesses always have nice looking signs, I'm not worried about them. It's the other guys that don't understand how important their signage is, those are the guys I need to focus on." Jeff Skibell, Quine & Associates (discussing the existing signage that his tenants have and how they need to refresh their look so it doesn't hurt their business)
The Special Features and Benefits of Doing Business with Signs Manufacturing™
Guaranteed Highest Quality...Guaranteed Lowest Price™ - We manufacture the best signs, for the lowest price.
Visit Texas' Largest Signs Showrooms - Don't buy your sign from a drawing, a slick website, or photo-shopped pictures, when you can actually see and side-by-side compare REAL signs and designs.
5 Year $0 Cost Warranty plus Lifetime Guarantee - The strongest guarantee and warranty in the sign industry. Upgradeable for even more protection!
Product Liability Insurance - Protects you and your customers forever.
Deposit Insurance - Your money is protected even if we were to default.
Established 1979 and the Largest Custom Sign Company in North Texas - We back our claims.
Eleven Person Your-Location Sign Expert - At your location to help you anytime we are needed.
ImageKrafters™ Design Consultants and The Design Tank™ Digital Design Studio - Hundreds of years combined experience. Creative sign designs that make our customers more successful.
State Licensed Electrical Sign Contractor - We know our business and do our job.
State Licensed Electrical Contractor - We know electricity.
Trained QualityCertifiedSigns™ Technicians - We understand quality.
Local Sign Manufacturing - Local responsibility.
We Actually Manufacture the Signs - Single-source responsibility, without middlemen.
Full-Service Sign Company - We manufacture, install, and service all signs; ours and others. Seven cranes/bucket trucks to 80' reach. Seven installation/service crews.
Electronic LED Sign Experts - Because we manufacture them, we also know how to fix them all.
Five Different Payment Options - Cash, Credit Card, Conserve Your Nest Egg™, Signs on Time™ Lease (with Zero Down option) and Pay as You Grow Lease/Purchase™
Delayed-Deposit Billing™ - Significantly reduced initial billing to help you control your cash-flow.
Grand Opening Package* - We want you to be successful; here's another way we're helping. A free "Coming Soon" and "Grand Opening" banner with your business name on it, and free "store" hours lettered on your door. *Minimum order required.
The Knowledge Tree™ - The world's largest and most complete information source on signage. (See below.)
"Sign Buyer's Guide" Brochures - How signs should be built, and why. Sign-type-specific printed information to help you purchase adequate signage. (See below.)
Features and Benefits Common to All of Our Digital Church Signs
Signlux Paint Systems™ Automotive+ paints and 2 part primer system - The same exterior paint type they paint a Ferrari with. It looks new virtually forever, helping your business.
Impact-Modified Plastics - Won't break and look bad.
SolarGuard™ Protected Plastics - Won't fade and look bad to customers.
Lumabrite™ Coated Plastics - The sign always looks brighter because of this coating with no additional energy cost.
Vandal Resistant Coatings - Your sign won't be intentionally damaged.
Self-Cleaning Sign Faces - Your sign never looks dirty and dingy, chasing potential customers away.
ESA Listed Signs - Assured longevity for all our signs.
UL/ETL Listed Signs - These signs Can be legally installed anywhere, and moved anywhere at a later time. Requires much less electrical service than an unlisted sign.
Features and Benefits Specific to Channel Letters
Thick Welded Aluminum Letters - No rust and the sign will last forever. Virtually Hail-proof.
Computer-generated Cutting and Install Patterns - Perfect look and installation, not handmade, much more impressive.
Letter Insides Painted with Solar Finishes™ "Bright Reflective White" - The letter always lights brighter, attracting more attention, with no additional electrical cost.
Neon Made In-house - Highest quality made specifically for your sign - fits perfectly for even illumination of the entire letter.
Brighter Signs™ Neon - Twice as bright draws more attention.
Solarbrite™ LEDs - 5 times brighter than the LED's used by everyone else (Sloan, JT, or JS LED's.)
LetterLites™ First-Surface LED Lighting Option - Attract more attention to do more business. The lights are visible!
Structural Steel Frames with aluminium Exterior Skins - No rust and lasts forever. Virtually Hail-proof.
Computer-generated Graphics - Perfect look, not handmade, much more impressive.
Cabinet Insides Painted Solar Finishes™ "Bright Reflective White" - The sign always lights brighter, attracting more attention, with no additional electrical cost.
Optigard™ Coated Flexible Sign Faces - This coating eliminates yellowing, which makes a sign look old and dingy, chasing potential customers away.
Brighter Signs™ Technology - Brighter signs always draw more attention.
PinLights™ First-Surface LED Lighting Option - A modern, brighter sign to attract more attention. Do more business. The lights are visible!
LED Message Signs and Video Displays
We Actually Manufacture the Signs - Single-source responsibility, unlike everyone else selling this type sign in North Texas.
Solarbrite™ Large LEDs - A brighter sign with exceptional viewing angles.
Balanced Array™ - A better looking sign.
Internal Processor - Not a computer with all the associated problems they create.
Open Architecture Programming Software - Proprietary is Bad, The Cloud is Bad, Open Architecture software is Good.
64 GB Non-Volatile Memory - This sign will run, and do, whatever you want it to do - every time.
Individual Glare Shields - A sign you can read during the day.
Free Programming - No learning curve.
Structural Steel Frames with aluminium Exterior Skins - No rust and lasts forever. Virtually Hail-proof.
Ceramic Vacuum Microsphere Exterior Coating - Temperature protection for the sign.
US Military Specification Electrical Insulating Coating - Protects all interior electronics and electrics.
H2ORepel™ Waterproof Interior Coating - Double+ protects all interior electronics, electrics and wiring.
Temperature-controlled Power Ventilation - Saving both maintenance and money.
Recently Completed Projects
Visit Our Unique Sign Showroom
Unique in the entire sign industry, Signs Manufacturing™ built an 85' by 50' (over 4,000 sq ft) indoor sign lighting laboratory for testing the longevity, visibility, and effectiveness of all the lighted signs we manufacture.
The Laboratory is open to the public, for FREE, adding an LED Video Display Showroom because we realized how important one would be to consumers.
If you are considering purchasing an LED Video Display or Digital LED Message Center sign this exclusive opportunity will be particularly important. You must determine what type of sign, and which LED spacing is best, so that your sign will be successful, considering how you will use it.
Nine (9) different full-color LED display signs representing all 3 design types, each with a varied resolution. Various sign sizes are on display so you can determine what sized sign you need.
a Monochrome LED Message Center sign
a 4-thousand shade single-color LED Message Center sign
an economical fixed-message Full-color LED Message Center
a see-thru LED curtain wall display sign
SMD LED signs
a curved LED display sign
a fully self-contained, self-powered portable LED Sign trailer
are always available for you to compare.
We invite you to also observe all other types of signage, viewing them up close as well as from a distance, under varying light conditions (and stay out of the weather while doing so!)
Channel letter signs, both neon and LED lighted.
Letterlites™ channel letter signs.
Twinkling Letterlites™ channel letter signs.
SpectraLites™ Color-changing channel letter signs.
Reverse channel letter signs.
Cloud signs.
Channel letter signs with backplates.
Raceways and wireways.
Cabinet signs, fluorescent, HID, or LED lighted.
Neon and LED building accent lighting.
Neon color selection.
Brighter Signs™ neon.
Solarbrite™ LED lighting.
LED color selection.
Pinlights™ signs.
Pylon signs.
Pole signs.
Masonry Monument signs.
Wall-wash back-lighting for all types of signs.
Routed sign faces for all types of signs.
Digitally printed and cut vinyl decorated sign faces for all types of signs.
Acrylic-faced signs.
Lexan™-faced signs.
Flex-faced cabinet signs.
Push-thru lettering.
Pin-mounted letters.
Acrylic and Lexan color selection.
Vinyl color selection
PMS color selection.
Paint color selection (32,807 colors.)
Grand Opening Package.
...and more.
Will your Sodium Vapor or Metal Halide parking lot lights affect the colors of your sign at night? How visible will your pylon sign's border neon be during the day? Should you consider PinLights™, LetterLites™, SpectraLites™, or Trembler™ signs™ Brighter Signs™ neon or Solarbrite™ LED lighting for channel letter signs? Fluorescent or HID lighting for your monument sign? Do Daylight or Cool White fluorescents for your sign make the colors look best? What are the differences between a flex-faced, a Lexan™, and an acrylic-faced sign cabinet?
How will shadows affect my sign's readability during the day? Should the wall behind my sign be light or dark colored? Would a different type of sign look better on my brick wall? Should I consider a routed sign face with push-through letters?
Don't buy your sign from a drawing, a slick website, or photo-shopped pictures, when you can actually see and side-by-side compare Real signs and designs.
With the addition of an interactive transforming storefront our Showroom contains over $750,000 in business sign ideas alone, not to mention signs for churches and schools!
Live Demonstrations of Signage Features
Ceramic Vacuum Microsphere Coating
Protective Coatings
Paint Systems
Finishes™ Bright Reflective White
Sign Face Installation Methods
No one else can offer you this
unique opportunity. Be sure to take advantage.
Your business will be better
because you do.
If you don't visit it
could cost you thousands in sales every year.
Your business will be
better because you do. Can you afford not to?
"I almost made a huge mistake by
not listening
to you and visiting your Showroom prior to buying my sign. I
thought I knew what I wanted, after listening to so many
salespeople...boy, was I wrong. My vision of the sign did not
jibe with what it would really turn out to be, even after viewing so
many drawings. It was obvious the moment I entered the
Showroom. If I had stuck to my guns my sign would have been a
disaster. I would have wasted a lot of money." Cecil Drake, Drake Communications
Large or Small We Make (and service) them All
Whether it's the largest sign in Texas,
above and to the left, one of our Sunburst LED Signs™, or one of our smaller
signs, Signs Manufacturing
manufactures, installs, and services them all.
Just the Miller sign's cabinet is over 35 feet tall and
over 45 feet wide. Notice our Quality Certified Signs™
Technicians to the left and right of the sign on the ground, and under
the sign as it is being installed on it's 150 foot tall pole.
("Click" on these images to enlarge for more detail.)
We are the ONLY actual manufacturer of digital
LED signs in Texas. Some others advertise that they do, but
verify! But best of all, we are the ONLY digital LED sign
manufacturer that provides factory-direct sales or factory-direct
Showroom Specials
Sometimes it
really pays to shop.
As an additional enticement to coax you into our showroom, and also smooth our manufacturing flow, we periodically have
limited Specials only available "in-store;" even unannounced to our
sales team.
They are based on opportunities in our
scheduling. If we tell our salespeople in advance they
collectively sell too many, causing other problems!
Specials are always for a specific type of
custom-built sign with a large variety of available options, but a very
limited quantity, and first-come-first-served.
The Benefits of Buying All Signs Factory-Direct
You need answers to
these questions before you buy (anything from anyone.) Don't be a
naive consumer.
Signs Manufacturing™
Can you view all sign types before you buy?
Can you view your sign as it is being made?
Will the people who built the sign install it?
Are the people who will install the sign
Is the sign seller (broker) responsible if the sign
is not installed properly?
Is the sign installer responsible if the sign is
not installed properly?
Does the sign seller (broker) provide free Warranty
Does the sign installer provide free Warranty
Does the sign manufacturer provide free Warranty
Does the sign seller (broker) control the
manufacturing and installation time table?
Are there 2nd and 3rd
party profit markups?
Is the sign
installer working for you, or the factory, or only the sign seller
(broker?) Who is legally responsible? Who has the
financial ability to remedy accidents and omissions?
Single-source responsibility is best. Product liability
insurance is good, too.
The Additional Benefits of Buying Our Sunburst LED Signs?™ Factory-Direct
Does the sign manufacturer provide free training?
Phone (China?)
Does the sign seller (broker) provide free factory
Do you call the sign seller (broker) with
technical/usage questions?
Does the sign factory provide free technical access?
Phone (China?)
Is there one place to call for ALL services?
Where is Tech-support located? Hours
(local time?)
Where do you obtain training for new employees?
We come to You
Can you customize your sign?
* A poorly
installed EMC can void a factory
warranty, leaving YOU to haggle responsibility with the installer and
sign seller (broker.) For instance, without a separate
electrode being installed during the installation of most LED signs the
manufacturer's warranty is void. Will you know if your
installer doesn't install a grounding electrode? Problems
probably begin to occur months later.
Using Our Website to Learn about Digital Church Signs
Your sign forms that very important "first impression" your potential customer has of your business. Your sign must always look nearly as good as it looked the day it was installed so that you don't give potential customers a worsening impression of your business as your sign ages.
An example of our dedication to helping our customers succeed is this website. It IS the definitive source on signage information, ranked by Alexa® in the top 0.05% of ALL websites in the world, the top 0.01% in the USA!
We call our website The Knowledge Tree™. Online since 1997, this website is full of information regarding signs. Our database to create it requires over 8,000 pages; more information than some "encyclopedias."
The Knowledge Tree™ tells you how we manufacture our signage, and why.
Knowledge Tree™ links are on the left side of every page. For instance, click our "Types of Signs" button, then pick any of our products,
and explore that page's tabs and discover how we make each sign to last; including the use of CNC manufacturing, rust-proof metal, structural-steel frames, high-end automotive paint, high-impact plastics, and most importantly, sophisticated protective coatings.
Go to our "Home" page and select tabs to learn about the
history of Signs Manufacturing, and many other subjects.
Unsure, or unconvinced about the
importance of signage to the survival and success of a business? Click our
"About" page's "Importance of Signage" tab to learn what Nationwide studies have
Please use and enjoy this 550+ page website with over 3,000 images, the largest information resource about signs on the internet, created so you can learn
about all types of signs and how you can control their affect on your image and business.
Consider "bookmarking" our site as a "favorite" for easier reference
We believe that if you're a knowledgeable purchaser there's a real good chance you'll become our customer.
Sign Cost
We sell our signs FACTORY-DIRECT, WHOLESALE to the public, INSTALLED.
Each Sign Type, above and on the "Sign
Types" page, has a "Cost" tab under its
"Pricing" tab that lists general budget pricing for that type of sign.
Our professional staff will usually have exact
quotations, and exact scale drawings of your signs installed on your
building or property ready for you the same day we meet with
you. (Much faster than the 2 1/2 week average in our
industry.) Contact us NOW...Please!
Find out what USA TODAY Newspaper says about
the cost
of signs.
Nine (9) Different Ways to Purchase Signs
Choose from nine (9) different ways to purchase.
Cash, Credit Cards, Conserve You Nest Egg™ 0% 15-month
financing, or Signs on Time™ Lease/Purchase or Conventional Leasing.
To help you open your business we have worked with one
of our lenders to create an exclusive NO DOWN PAYMENT lease.
Now you can pay for your sign totally out of
your businesses' future cash flow.
Fraud Protection
"After being ripped-off by one sign company,
who took my several-thousand-dollar deposit but never delivered my
sign, I was nervous. I'm sure glad I met you guys!" Paul Lewis, Jubilee Mortgage
Signs Manufacturing™ is insured, registered, licensed
and bonded per all City and State regulations, and even carries product
liability insurance to protect our customers, and their customers,
which is very rare among sign companies.
We even offer our customers free coverage on a
$3,000,000 insurance policy providing Deposit Insurance if we were to
As detailed on the pages that follow, everything will be
done to make your sign look better, and last longer...Guaranteed.
Signs Manufacturing™ also guarantees that our price will
be the lowest price you can obtain on the products described in this
website; now or anytime during the next 90 days.
If you are offered a lower price by someone else we will
match that lower price PLUS give you 10% of the difference.
Guaranteed Strongest Digital Church Signs Guarantee ... plus a Lifetime Guarantee
These are the strongest guarantees ands warranties in the sign industry.
We provide our customers protection that lasts forever!
Free Factory Tour
Come and see the array of equipment and tools, and the facility dedicated to
making good signs.
Contact a sales consultant to arrange a plant tour.
If you are seriously considering buying from someone else we suggest
that you also visit their location to observe if they can actually do
what they say they can; or at least "Google" their
address. A
lot of competitors who present themselves as manufacturers actually
only buy and resell signs, working out of a house, office building,
small warehouse, or storefront!
Signs Manufacturing Corporation's
Manufacturing Campus consisting of two sets of joined buildings.
(Commercial drone photo 2018.)
Our Gang - The SignDawgs™
"Signs Manufacturing & "Signs Manufacturing & (Maintenance) has a BuildZoom score of 127, which places them above 99% of 222,249 contractors (all contractors of all trades) in Texas." - BuildZoom
As Seen on SignDawgsTV™
Season 8 of
the reality TV documentary series about Signs Manufacturing™
featuring the signage we create, and the customers we serve
in the DFW Metroplex area of North Texas, has just been completed.
Watch William, James, Robert, and the
whole SignDawgs™ crew.
SignDawgsTV™ is one of YouTube's most
successful series, with 2,000,000+ viewers (we've officially gone
viral.) Older episodes continue to be viewed over-and-over.
You can view all SignDawgsTV™ episodes @ SignDawgsTV.com
The Quality Certified Signs™ Difference - People You Can Trust
Certified Signs™ is a training, certification, and
continuing education program designed to train all sign
company personnel to take better care of their customers
utilizing knowledge-based performance.
Certifications are available in:
Master Cabinet Maker
UL Listed Sign Technician
ETL Listed Sign Technician
ESA Listed Sign Technician
Certified Welding
Wall Sign Installation
Detached Sign Installation
Interior Sign Installation
Sign Service Technician
Electronic Message Center
Sign Mechanical Technician
Rotating Sign
Installation/Service Specialist
Installation/Service Specialist
State Licensed Sign
Electrician (Texas)
Fluorescent Lighting
Neon Lighting Technician
LED Lighting Technician
HID Lighting Technician
Incandescent Lighting
Sign Design Specialist
Vinyl Application
Graphics Technician
Painting Technician
Quality Control Technician
Crane Operator
Vehicle Operator
Fork Lift Operator
CNC Equipment Operator
ALL our personnel are Quality Certified
Signs™ qualified because we also want the job done right..
The organizations that assist in
developing and monitoring Quality Certified Signs™ training
Why Buy Factory-Direct, from a State-Licensed Company?
Design, Manufacturing, Installation, and Service
Why not buy from a Sign Dealer (also called a Sign
Broker or a Sign Store?)
Would you give a car dealer $10,000 and tell him to buy
you the best car he can for the money, sight unseen (or from a
drawing?) Don't you think you would get the car that made him
the most?
Do you think you could meet your needs asking for the
cheapest car he can buy?
Why would a sign dealer (sign broker or sign store) be
any different? Remember, they are merely buying a sign from a
manufacturer to resell to you, usually to resemble a drawing, making
the most money they can.
You need to know ALL of the details on how your sign
will be manufactured, and how it will be installed. It needs
to meet YOUR needs, not the seller's profit goals. What is he
telling the manufacturer you don't need?
Believing "...a sign is a sign" gets you a Yugo instead
of a Cadillac. Remember the Yugo? They didn't last
very long, either.
Also, most sign dealers, sign brokers and sign stores
cannot legally install or service an electric sign. Ask to
see their license.
Ask to see a manufacturer's license also. A
few are not licensed to do electrical work, either, they also have to
hire other companies to install the signs they make.
Now, who provides the warranty? The
manufacturer, the installer, the salesman, anyone? If the
sign was installed illegally do you think they'll honor their
warranty? Did they REALLY obtain your City sign
permit? Is the sign even safe?
As a large, both UL and ETL listed manufacturer, our
name is on all our signs. Just like you, we can't afford to
have a bad sign destroy our business. We have to care,
particularly with our LIFETIME* warranty.
If you wonder if a sign-seller can legally install and service
electrical signs through-out Texas go to
enter "Electricians" in the "Inquire by License Type" box and the name
of the sign business or person in the "Inquire by Name" box.
If they are not licensed they can not.
So someone can sell you signs and not be licensed to
install or service them. You may have to have this
done. But unless the electrical signs you buy are "listed"
(U.L. usually) they won't be allowed to be installed in Texas, a State
of Texas Consumer Protection Safety Law designed to insure that signs
are safe to use, with a few local city ordinance exceptions.
It is not illegal to sell them to you, however. Buy carefully.
The State of Texas does NOT allow the installation on non-Listed electrical
signs, and a Texas Sign Contractors License (TSCL) is not evidence of an
OSHA approved Listing for electrical signs. Additional approvals are
"I had a
****-a-**** (sign company) right across the street " that store's out
of business now " I found out they hired some other company to build
and install our sign and they did a really #@%&&$ job,
the thing has never lit right. ****-a-**** Corporate won't do
anything, they say the closed store was an independent franchise, and
the sign builder/installer won't fix it, they say we weren't their
customer. I need you to come out, tell me what it will cost
to get the thing working properly and get it fixed." Chris Jennings, Jimmy Johns
State Licensed Sign Installation and Sign Service
We are a
sign company.
We provide Sign Site Surveys,
Sign Permitting,
sign installation and sign maintenance services for electrical and
non-electrical signs. We provide this work in Dallas, Fort
(DFW), and ALL of North Texas and Northeast Texas.
Our technicians are State and QualityCertifiedSigns certified.
Our main Permit Technician is
trained by the
International Code Council (ICC), the group that trains all city
employees in the area, and is in fact an ex city Sign Permit Technician.
State Sign and
Electrical License Numbers: TECL17503, TSCL18015, TSCL18016.
Business hours are 07.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (Central Time)
or by Appointment
Office hours are 08.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday thru Friday
Showroom hours are by Appointment
Factory Tours by Appointment
Emergency Service 24/7